Which fruits for thyroid function should you eat daily?

Dr Karishma Shaikh
Dr Karishma ShaikhMarch 22, 2023

Seema used to wake up feeling tired and bloated every morning. Even making a cup of tea for herself felt like too much work. She was worried that she would soon lose her job because of the “lethargy” she felt every day. Fruits for Thyroid

Then, she found a functional medicine doctor and thyroid expert dietician who explained the importance of thyroid-friendly foods. She began including a few fruits in her breakfast and snacks and felt increased energy.

Simple changes to her diet to include dry fruits and fruits for thyroid turned her life around. Along with medication and supplements, she now sticks to a strict diet that has helped her overcome her fatigue and bloating slowly, but steadily.

Thyroid disorders affect every aspect of a person's life. Weight management, energy levels, mood, heart health, bone health, and reproductive health.

Medication for hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism can make up for the abnormal levels of thyroid hormones, but they cannot help with thyroid symptom reversal.

If you have thyroid problems, you should pay attention to your diet and nutrition. Several fruits for thyroid health can help with your metabolism, energy level, mood, bone health, and cardiac health. Join Thyroid Community/

Which fruits are good for thyroid disorders?

So, without further ado let’s find out which fruits for thyroid are best for hypothyroidism.


Berries are a reliable source of antioxidants. Your body needs to flush out the toxins for your glands to function optimally. Toxins like additives from food, preservatives, byproducts of other medication, and pollutants can negatively influence the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Blueberries, strawberries, and cranberries are perfect additions to your morning smoothies and breakfast. They can help you fight the symptoms of hypothyroidism including unwanted weight gain, fatigue, and mood swings.


Whoever first said, “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” was entirely correct. Apart from containing several essential nutrients, apples also have strong detoxifying properties.

One apple a day after breakfast or before lunch is enough to protect your thyroid gland from free radical damage. Apples are also amazing for controlling cholesterol, obesity, and blood sugar levels.

So, when people ask us, “Which fruit is good for thyroid problems?” we always answer “Apple” without missing a beat.


Did you know? Bananas are actually berries. That makes so much sense because it is a great choice of fruit for thyroid problems. However, you should avoid overeating bananas, if you are looking forward to losing weight rapidly.

Bananas have high potassium, dietary fiber, vitamins B and C, and essential amino acids. They are natural sources of flavonoids and antioxidants. Bananas also contain selenium, which is quite rarely found naturally in fruits.

Around 100 to 150 grams of bananas daily are perfect for proper thyroid function. Additionally, bananas also help with constipation which is a significant sign of hypothyroidism. The best time to have a banana is in the morning after breakfast.

Citrus fruits

Oranges are the best citrus fruits for thyroid issues. It is an obvious choice for many asking which fruits are good for thyroid problems because it is a storehouse of Vitamin C, potassium, Vitamin A, calcium, and protein.

It is the perfect fruit for making smoothies, juices (always include fiber), and fruit salads.

Vitamin C in oranges can boost your immune system, and detoxify your body. It contributes to the firmness of your skin and reduces skin dryness which is a classic sign of hypothyroidism. It can also help regulate blood pressure.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you have Hashimoto's thyroiditis, do not consume oranges daily. Oranges can cause further thyroid inflammation and disrupt hormone production.


Pineapple is a magic fruit that has tons of vitamins B and C. it also has a lot of dietary fiber and protein. It is the ideal addition to your daily meals.

Pineapple is a good source of energy that can fight fatigue and weakness due to hypothyroidism. It is rich in antioxidants which can help your thyroid gland function properly once again. Additionally, it is rich in manganese. Manganese aids in calcium absorption and bone health, blood pressure, blood glucose levels, and much more.

Only 150 grams of pineapple has the power to reduce your thyroid symptoms. This power fruit can reduce the risks of osteoporosis, gout, and systemic inflammation.

Which fruit is good for thyroid: hyperthyroidism?

Fruits for hyperthyroidism should be the ones that help slow down metabolism, and provide more calories and good fats, along with a generous serving of vitamins and minerals.

Those with hyperthyroidism should eat fresh fruits only in moderation. For example, if you have hyperthyroidism, you can eat bananas, pineapple, berries, and avocados as well. However, you should eat only around 10-40 mg per day.

It may seem a little confusing at first. Your metabolism rate is higher, you are burning calories faster, so why should you eat a smaller portion of fruits?

Well, hyperthyroidism may mean that your body already has enough of the vitamins or minerals that these fruits contain. Overloading your body with nutrients can be just as harmful as chronic nutrient deficiencies.

At the same time, bananas, pineapples, citrus fruits, and avocados contain pectin. It is a protein that can help your body flush out toxins including mercury. Studies have shown an integral relationship between excess mercury levels and abnormal thyroid functions.

Several people with Graves’ disease already follow AIP (autoimmune protocol) diet. This elimination diet does allow including apples, berries, and avocado since they have a low glycemic index. They do not raise blood sugar levels or increase inflammation.

Apples, bananas, pineapples, citrus fruits, berries, and avocados should be your go-to fruits for hyperthyroidism, as long as you are eating them in moderation.

Are dry fruits good for thyroid function?

A lot of people believe that dry fruits are very high in calories and they can contribute to rapid weight gain. However, even dry fruits in moderation can help you reverse your thyroid issues.

Now, which dry fruits are good for thyroid functions? How will you know which ones you should avoid and which ones you should always include in your everyday diet?

Let’s find out!

Macadamia nuts, hazel nuts, and almonds are excellent for thyroid function. They have a considerable amount of selenium. It is an essential amino acid that is critical for maintaining hormone pathways, protein metabolisms, and the immune system. Other sources of selenium may include Brazil nuts, dried kiwi, raisin, dried apricots, and dried cranberries and blueberries.

You can add nuts to your salad for a scrumptious bite and variety. All dry fruits for thyroid patients mentioned here are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids and other essential minerals. They help in lowering cholesterol levels, balancing blood sugar, and helping in calorie burning.

Avoid eating too many dried fruits, including nuts. They can contribute to weight gain if you have severe hypothyroidism.

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